The development of the mining and quarrying sector is a key pillar of the Sultanate’s economic diversification strategy under the country’s current ninth five-year plan 2016-2020. Resurgent global demand for the country’s largely untapped extensive minerals reserves such as copper, chromite, gypsum, limestone and marble is forecast to spur mining activities.
AMJ’s lawyers have a wealth of experience in mining transactions covering every aspect of the value chain, from exploration through large-scale mining activity, downstream industries, and value-added products. The multidisciplinary team is unique in Oman as it includes lawyers who have been involved in mining and metals transactions and projects worldwide as legal advisers and in-house counsel. They also have in depth-knowledge of the local regulatory framework, sectoral set-up and related industrial activities and infrastructure in Oman’s free zones and transport hubs.
Our lawyers act for a number of local and international mining companies, operating in Oman and financial institutions who value their insights into the industry and advice on avoiding pitfalls that may arise in this evolving legal area.