- AMJ advises on Mazoon Electricity’s US$500m sukuk
AMJ acted as Oman counsel to the issue manager and joint lead manager on the debut sukuk offering by Mazoon Electricity Company S.A.O.C. The landmark transaction marks the first international corporate sukuk issue out of Oman, and the first Reg S/144A corporate sukuk out of the MENA region since May 2016.
The ten-year Reg-S/144A sukuk certificates were successfully priced on 1 November 2017 and the profit rate for the certificates was set at 5.2 per cent.
The sukuk offering was based on the Shariah-compliant ijarah structure and the certificates were rated Baa2 (negative) by Moody’s Investor Services and BBB(negative) by Fitch Ratings.
Robust investor demand translated into a final order-book of approximately US$5bn from 300 orders, representing more than ten times oversubscription. The sukuk certificates were listed on the Irish Stock Exchange. The issuance was managed by Mazoon Electricity Company and Nama Holding along with JP Morgan Securities plc, Bank Muscat, KFH Capital Investment and First Abu Dhabi Bank acting as joint lead managers and Noor Bank and Warba Bank acting as co-managers.
The fundraising programme is expected to support the Mazoon Electricity group’s electricity transmission and distribution networks investments in Oman.
Mansoor Malik led AMJ’s team which included senior Islamic Finance associate Asad Qayyum. AMJ’s dedicated Islamic Finance team, the only one of its kind in Oman, has acted on a number of sukuk issuances in Oman in recent years including the Oman government’s US$2 billion international sukuk in 2017, US$500 million international sukuk in 2016 and the global award-winning US$650 million maiden sovereign sukuk in 2015.